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There are a few steps to prepare your motorbike for the warmest seasons. Follow these tips by 3tieroil in Colbert to ensure your motorcycle remains in excellent condition during this period.

To ensure a smooth and safe ride, check off these motorcycle maintenance tips on your to-do list before hitting the road.

Giving your bike a good synthetic oil change will keep it neat and working adequately for longer. Reach out to 3Tieroil and call (509) 238-6285 if you need an AMSOIL dealer to supply you with the most reliable formula for a synthetic oil change in Colbert.

Check Oil and Gasoline

Don't begin a new season on old gasoline. Before you even start a motorcycle, drain any fuel from the carburetors that might be more than six weeks old. Gasoline can evaporate and become thick when allowed to settle, clogging the carburetor reactors and lines. Don't forget to check the oil level, even if you filled it up in the fall.

Check the Brakes

Check the brake pads, brake lines, and brake fluid before setting out on your first ride. Replace worn pads or cracked brake lines. Also, test the front and rear brakes separately to ensure they are in good condition and free of scuffs.

Charge Your Battery

The most common problem with a motorcycle that has been in storage all winter is a dead battery. Although many drivers remove batteries during the winter and keep them charged, those who skip this step need to charge them before spring.

Inspect the Tires

Nothing stops a trip faster than a flat tire. Check the air pressure in both tires: low pressure can make motorcycles challenging to handle, in addition to increasing fuel consumption and tire wear. Also, look for signs of damage, such as cracks or dry rot. If necessary, replace the tires.

Wash Your Motorcycle

Give your motorcycle a good wash before you take it out of storage. Pay attention to the details; a close inspection can help spot minor problems early on.

Caring for your motorbike will require a synthetic oil change in Colbert once a year. If you're thinking about switching formulas, you should call 3Tieroil at (509) 238-6285 to get professional advice on synthetic oil formulas. Also, don't forget to stop by their website to shop online!

Do a Review

It's been some time since you've ridden the motorcycle, so start slowly. Take a ride around the neighborhood and make sure everything is working fine. Also, before traveling, check that your travel gear (helmet, jacket, gloves) is in good condition, as well as your motorcycle insurance. A little time and effort beforehand is a small price to pay for a safe stint on the open road.

Keep an Eye on the Chain

The operation of your motorcycle chain consists of linking the transmission with the rear wheel to move. This vital task requires special care, as it is exposed to rain, heat, and dirt, which can cause your chain to rust sooner and damage, or even break, the links it is made of.

The Components of a Motorcycle Chain

Your motorcycle's chain consists of four essential elements:
  • Internal Plate
  • External Plate
  • Roller or bushing
  • Bolt or pin
This element's pieces are very close together and need free movement between them to ensure the motorcycle sprockets keep moving smoothly. Consequently, the lubricant in your chain is an element that must be present all the time on your motorcycle to keep you from experiencing unnecessary vibrations and prevent a severe breakdown.

Keep the Chain in Good Condition

The weather plays a fundamental role in maintaining your motorcycle, mainly in the chain, since it is the vehicle's most exposed element. It's vital for the correct operation of your bike. Keeping it clean is the first step in its maintenance. Remove contaminants in all spaces by using a stiff plastic bristle brush. This tool will allow you to remove the dirt while protecting and lubricating the chain, although this step won't suffice for it to be adequately lubricated. Opt for a grease formula with excellent water resistance to prevent rain and puddles from diluting it. Apply it with a 1-inch paintbrush to cover most of the chain until you lubricate it completely.


Don't forget to read your owner's manual and take your motorcycle to the mechanic for detailed maintenance tasks. Proper maintenance of your bike is essential for its safe and reliable operation at any time of the year.

AMSOIL's 10W-30 Synthetic Metric Motorcycle Oil will improve your bike's performance while protecting it from excessive wear. Call 3Tieroil at (509) 238-6285 if you want to learn more about AMSOIL's formulas next time you need a synthetic oil change in Colbert.